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Can't believe it's the middle of September...

It has been a journey!! A good one :)

At times painful, at times blissful.

When I got the call a few days ago that my feature screenplay for Utopia made it to the semi-finals round of the 2018 Austin Film Festival, I literally screamed my lungs out and into the ears of the poor guy (Matt Dy) on the other end of the line. Then I crumbled into a pile of me on the edge of the sofa struggling to breathe; trying to string two cohesive sentences together. Couldn't do it. All I succeeded in doing was terrifying Orlando.

Now, I know there are writers who have made it to and past this level at AFF; they've been there done that so many times it's like huh...? Well, for a girl who has seen other parts of the world and has somehow managed not to find her way to Austin,'s kind of a big deal. Like, a huh!!!!!? kind of a big deal.

So, forgive me for writing this note just to share this with you.

I hope to make it to the finals.

I hope to win, it's not what I'm afraid of :)

Fingers crossed.

In the meanwhile, the short film version of Utopia and A Day in the Life of Who are making their festival rounds!! Next stop for A Day in the Life of Who is the Marina Del Rey Film Festival Oct 17th - Oct 22nd, Los Angeles, California.

Utopia will be screening at the 14th Montreal Black Film Festival, Sept. 25th - Sept. 30th, Canada, and at the 15th Syracuse Film Festival Oct 10th - 14th, Syracuse, New York.

And, since I know how much you love to read ;+)) Or, maybe you missed it when I shared it back in July... Here's a wonderful review of Utopia (the short film) by TMFF (The Monthly Film Festival) based out of Glasgow, UK. It was such an honor winning three awards at this festival. One of them for Best Short Film (i.e. Film of the Month, June 2018)

That's it for now, folks! Stay tuned via Sela Films' social media pages for updates. Fingers crossed, I'll be seeing your lovely face at a festival in your town soon.

Cheers, and as always... Sharing is caring ;+D


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